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Because I'm NOT just a girl! Being a girl doesnt make me worth LESS! Being a girl means I am PRICEless! My value is, "far above rubies!"

Being honored for my work with kids in developing nations.

Being honored for my work with kids in developing nations.

About Me

My photo
Tamavua, Suva, Fiji
I was born in Seoul, South Korea and spent most of my childhood in Savusavu and Cakaudrove, Fiji. My family moved to the United States following a Fijian coup d'état. I now reside back in my home country of Fiji, but am presently working with orphans and widows in northern India. "It takes ALL of us to DO, what we are all CALLED to do! Resolve to SOLVE!" Hosanna Kabakoro

India...Land of Contrasts

India...Land of Contrasts
With some of "My kids,"


In 2008 I interned for U.S. Senator Larry Craig who later appointed me a United States Senate Page for the 110th Congress. I attended the prestigious United States Senate Page School during my tenure.

Upon returning to Idaho, I worked as a correspondent for the Magic Valley Times News and interned atKLIX-FM Radio in Idaho, and also in the News Department at Southern Idaho's CBS affiliate KMVT. I was home schooled and have attended College of Southern Idaho. I will begin Law School in Fiji in 2011.

I am founder of 2-Way-Street, a program that empowers, enables and encourages refugee and at-risk-relocated-youth, and also TATUR, a program that teaches kids in developing nations to access and use technology responsibly. In April 2011, I will launch UniTeen to address the problems of stereotype and prejudice faced by polynesian youth. Im also working on a program to provide counseling to individuals who abuse others.....they are hurting and need comfort and understanding, not condemnation.

Awards and commendations
After relocating to Twin Falls, I became active in public service, with an emphasis on relocated and at-risk-immigrant youth. I am a recipient of the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medal Congressional Awards, a Jefferson Award recipient and the President's Award. I am also the recipient of a $30,000.00 Discover Scholarship, and was named a Philanthropic Education Organization Scholar. In 2009, former First Lady Laura Bush formally recognized me for my public service and presented me with the Prudential Spirit of Community Award.

I earned Girl Scouts' highest honor, a Gold Award, and was named one of ten Girl Scouts Young Woman of Distinction in 2010. The organisation appointed me a lifetime member of the National Girl Scout Advisory Board.

In 2010 I was nominated as one of Idaho Governor Butch Otter's Brightest Stars.

In addition to my work with the Times News, I have written for UNLOCK MAGAZINE, and appeared on the covers of two national magazines, (Justine Magazine and Savvy Magazine) I serve as a representative and spokesperson for the H.Y.P.E. Movement. In November 2010, I was honored to be a featured speaker at the Destined for Greatness Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

In December 2010, Three Dot Dash announced me as one of their 26 Global Youth Leaders.

I am proud to have represented the great state of Idaho in the 2010 Miss Teen USA pageant, where I was named Miss Congeniality...hey! No Jokes!

Learning Teamwork along the Ganges...

Learning Teamwork along the Ganges...

Love one another.....

Love one another.....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gaspar Cruz

If you are interested in entering a pageant, its a good idea to talk to someone who knows ths business. Along with all the opportunity, fun and experience, its important to remember that it IS A BUSINESS! Many self-proclaimed "coaches" will charge you an arm and a leg and not really teach y9u anything.

I seldom, wore make-up before winning the Miss Idaho Teen USA title, and Gaspar Cruz taught me more in an hour than some of my friends have learned in years. He is experienced in pageants and was the stylist for this year's newlyc crowned Miss America! You can find him on Facebook, Twitter or at www.CrownCouture.net

There is a Proverb that says, "In a multitude of counselors may be found wisdom." This is true in any area of life!

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Crowning Moment!

Crowning Moment!
Miss Idaho USA 09, Melissa Weber, & Miss Idaho Teen USA 09, Marissa Wickland, placing the crown on my head! What great role models these two women are!

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